"What do you think about this issue? Do you have any thoughts? What are those thoughts? Will you tell us them? Any thoughts at all will do. If you have em –we want to hear them. Are you personally affected by this issue then email us or if you're not affected by this issue can you imagine what it would be like if you were? ..."
(BBC Two, UK)
That Mitchell and Webb Site "We want your Ad–hoc 'reckon'" Series Two, Episode Five
absurdity | ad-hoc | ad-hoc reckoning | agency | banality | BBC2 | British comedy | comedy | David Mitchell | opinion | parody | prejudice | reckon | Robert Webb | sketch comedy | social media | That Mitchell and Webb Look | That Mitchell and Webb Sound | thoughts and feelings | tv news | uninformed opinion | unqualified opinion | user-generated | user-generated content | what I reckon |
Absurdity |